Saturday, January 16, 2016

Unboxing - Sociolla Beauty Box January

Hello gorgeous!

Kalau kamu pembaca blog aku, pasti tahu kalau aku seneng banget belanja makeup dan skincare di Sociolla. Di akhir tahun kemarin, Sociolla meluncurkan produk terbaru mereka, yaitu Sociolla Beauty Box. Apa sih itu? Jadi, kamu bisa berlangganan Sociolla Box yang akan dikirimkan ke rumah kamu satu kali dalam setiap bulannya di mana isi dari Sociolla Box tersebut belum bisa kita ketahui sebelumnya. Seru banget ya! Rasanya tiap bulan seperti dapat hadiah hehehe (walaupun beli sendiri sih).

Sociolla menawarkan beberapa pilihan waktu berlangganan, 3 bulan/6 bulan/12 bulan. Apapun pilihan kamu, Sociolla akan memberikan 1 Sociolla Box gratis sebagai bonus untuk pelanggan yang baru pertama kali berlangganan Sociolla Box. Jadi, kalau kamu berlangganan 3 bulan, bukan hanya 3 Sociolla Box yang akan kamu dapat, tapi 4 Sociolla Box!

Di dalam Sociolla Box tersebut akan ada 3-4 buah trial size products dan 1 full size product. Tidak perlu khawatir dengan ongkos kirim juga, karena ongkosnya gratis alias free shipping (yeayyy who doesn't love free shipping?).

Aku mencoba berlangganan yang 3 bulan dan minggu lalu Sociolla Box bulan Januari aku sudah datang. Mau lihat isinya? Yuk cek gambar-gambar di bawah :)

Sociolla Beauty Box dikemas dalam satu kotak putih yang bertuliskan Pretty Things Inside berwarna emas. Kotaknya terbuat dari karton tebal dan kokoh. Menurutku membuat tampilan keseluruhannya sangat elegan dan cantik. Seperti biasa, semua produk di dalam box tersebut masing-masing dibungkus bubble wrap sehingga terjamin aman tidak bocor atau pun rusak. Potongan-potongan kertas berwarna pink juga ditambahkan untuk memastikan produk-produk di dalam box tidak berlarian kemana-mana di dalam box pada saat pengiriman.

Berikut detail dari isi box nya:

  • L'occitane Hand Cream Iris Bleu & Iris Blanc (Full Size)
  • Vitacreme B12 Day Cream Sun Protection SPF 30+++ (3ml)
  • Lavie Lash False Eyelashes in Amaryliss
  • Cottage Gentle Exfoliating Shower Gel in Violet Sugar (50ml)
Aku senang sekali melihat warna produk-produknya senada, yaitu ungu. Foto-fotonya jadi terlihat tambah cantik hehehe

Sekian pengalaman unboxing Sociolla Box bulan Januari dari aku. Postingan ini sama sekali tidak disponsori oleh siapapun dan aku berlangganan Sociolla Box secara pribadi. Mau sharing aja mengenai pengalaman aku selama berlangganan Sociolla Box ini karena aku suka sekali dengan pelayanan dari Sociolla. So, stay tune di blog aku untuk postingan unboxing selanjutnya ya. Kamu berlangganan juga? Sharing komen kamu di blog aku atau di IG account aku, @stefaniecarolina

Untuk keterangan lebih lanjut mengenai Sociolla Box ini, silahkan langsung menuju websitenya Sociolla ya di


Thursday, January 14, 2016

Review - GlamGlow ThirstyMud Mask

Hello gorgeous!
How is your first week of 2016? Mine is a bit slow because it was still school holiday for my son. So, I was unable to do a lot of work because every time I touch my laptop, my son's radar catches it and he will start to cling on me hahaha

I'm glad that I could squeeze a little time to write about a review on GlamGlow ThirstyMud Mask today.
It's a sample review, the one that I got from Sociolla gift box, so it might not provide you with a comprehensive review since it's a one time trial only. But at least it can give you an insight on what you are going to experience when you use GlamGlow ThirstyMud Mask.

This mask claims to be able to hydrate, moisture, restore, replenish, and calm your skin.It sounds really interesting. I was glad that I got this sample because my skin is pretty dry lately and I would love some extra hydration to bring back the suppleness to my skin.

I never use GlamGlow before and only see some pictures of people apply it to their faces. And because they name all the mask with mud at the end, I was assuming that the mask would be mudlike consistency and color. But ThirstyMud doesn't. The texture is gel like and smells like a caramel pudding. The color is light caramel brown with some black specks in it. It smells so delicious I have to restrain myself from licking it hahahaha

I applied it using my fingers, smooth it out evenly on my face and neck area. One sachet is enough for one time thick application on my face. Please note that I have a small face, so if you consider that your face is wider or bigger, you might want to apply it thinly.

After the first few minutes,my face started to feel a tingling sensation like minty feel on my skin. I wonder if it is because of the ginger extract. Unlike other mask that will dry up as the time goes by up until 15-20 mins, GlamGlow ThirstyMud will not. It stayed gel-ish and just keep doing its job hydrating my skin. It is advised after the time is finished, you just wipe off the mask from your face and let the remains sit on your skin overnight. The next morning your will wake up with a not only hydrated skin, but also better texture and glow. 

On the picture, you can see my before and after applying GlamGlow ThirstyMud. My skin looks fresher and plumped a little bit compared to the before pic. My skin feel hydrated but not too much, it did not make my face looks puffy. Due to the hype from a lot of people said about this mask, I was actually expecting more from it. But it's just it. I did not feel anything else. I did not feel that my skin is replenished nor restored or even reach that glow that they promised. So, somehow I felt kind of bummed that this mask did not deliver a significant result on my skin. Then, I thought, I would leave the mask overnight after I wiped it away and use it as a sleeping mask. Who knows, it will work its magic throughout the night and when I woke up, my skin will experiencing a better result from it. But when I woke up, my skin was not really enjoying a significant result either. 

I still love SK-II Whitening Mask more for its instant brightening and glow that it gave me before. But then again, everybody has different skin and every skincare reacts differently, right? I supposed GlamGlow ThirstyMud works just okay for my skin. The tingling sensation was fun though hahaha

Will I buy the full size? I don't think so. Will I try the other GlamGlow Mask? I would love too! They still have other types of mask such as PowerMud, SuperMud, and YouthMud. 
How's your experience with GlamGlow Mask? Please do share it with me. Which GlamGlow series that's your favorite?


Saturday, January 2, 2016

Happy New Year 2016

Hello gorgeous!


Another year has passed and I'm very grateful for everything that happened in 2015. I have ups and downs of course but I take that as a learning process to be a better person. One of the thing that I'm really grateful for 2015 is we finally able to move to our own house. Since we married, we have moved to different places several times. So, to own a house has not been an apt choice at that time. But this time, we took the courage and opportunity to buy our own house. It took us one year to get it ready. But it's all worth it. It is going to be a new challenge managing our own household but I believe that we will do well.

While in 2014, I have to say goodbye to some very good friends and a city that I will always love, 2015 on the other hand is the year where I settled back in our hometown and made new good friends. 

I also have the opportunity to develop my love for beauty world by do more writing in this blog and a chance to get to know many talented and wonderful new friends that share the same passion like I do.

New year is the moment where we reflect on our life. Where have we been, where we are right now, and where are we going from now on. For some people they look at it as a new fresh start, a new beginning. Starting a few years back, I started to look at new year as a moment where I have to motivate myself to do better. I have a dream and I will strive to make it happen. I will still make new year resolutions even though some people say it's a cliche. But at least you have something that you aim for. It gives you a direction, a guidance, and a reminder that there are things that you want to achieve. Without it, I would feel lost. That is why it is important to write down your resolutions so it will be easy for you to check it from time to time whether you are still on track or not. 

I hope that 2016 will be a year where you are able to build your dreams and walk on the path that you are destined for. Don't forget to always spend your time well with your loved ones too. Let's spread love and peace. Be compassionate towards every living being, keep on dreaming, and stay positive!
Thank you for reading my blog and I wish you all the best.
