Wednesday, March 4, 2015

SK II Whitening Source Derm Revival Mask

I am a fan of SK II’s mask especially their Facial Treatment Mask. The mask can rejuvenate my dull skin in 20 minutes. It works wonderfully, so naturally I was also very excited to try on this mask. SK II Whitening Source Derm Revival Mask is a whitening and brightening mask that will give a brighter and diminishes your spots and skin’s imperfections. Each mask is soaked in rich gel serum that drenches your skin with the same amount of serum as one full bottle of Whitening Power Spots Specialist. Wowza, huh? 

When I opened the sachet, the mask is really soaked well, you can even squeeze it and put the gel serum into a bottle if you want hahaha.. I have one frugal tip that I got from a friend if you felt that such a shame to throw away the rest of the serum in the sachet. The tip is to squeeze the mask a little bit while you take it out from the sachet and then, after you put the mask on, immediately seal the sachet and put it inside a ziplock bag. Throw it into the fridge (not freezer) and you can soak any sheet face mask (Muji sells one) or even cotton pads in the serum and enjoy face mask part 2. Make sure that you use the rest of the serum within one week. 

After I cleansed and toned my skin, I put the mask on and put on 20 minutes timer. The mask felt cool and very hydrating even though its a whitening mask. The scent is similar to the whitening line SK II has and it is not a strong one, so you don’t have to worry being overwhelmed with the scent for 20 minutes of your mask time. The size of the mask is a bit big for me because I have a small face, so I have to fold some parts of the mask to keep it out of my hair. It happens with every sheet face mask I tried and this one is no exception. It cover and sat properly on my face. It was easy to put on and had proper size of holes for the eyes and mouth area. I hate it when I have to pout my mouth to fit it into the mask or wipe the serum off from my eyes because the hole is to small.

I usually try to meditate whenever I do my mask time. I like the quiet time when I put on my mask and definitely a great me time for unwinding and decompress your mind. If you wanted it to be more special, putting on some relaxing music can be an option too or maybe light up some scented candles for a maximum relaxation effect. 

Pardon the spooky masked face

When the alarm beeped, it is time to take off the mask. I massage my face and neck with the rest of the serum left on my face until it’s fully absorbed by my skin. The result is amazing! My skin felt hydrated yet brightened up instantly. As you could see on the before and after pictures, the redness on my face reduced. My skin looked plumped and lovely. For me, this is another SK II product to love and to splurge on if I had spare budget.

I would recommend this mask for you who need instant brightening effect or when you feel your skin so dull and need a brightening boost. I would say it would be perfect too to use before a big event, to even out and enhance your complexion so your make up will look fabulous. What is your favorite brightening and whitening mask? Share with me :)



  1. the results looks very good! boleh info harganya? ^^

    Join my giveaway! ♡

    1. Aku waktu itu dapat dari paket yang whitening spots jadi kurang tahu harganya. Bisa coba langsung cek ke counter SK II nya aja say :)

  2. wah, intstan effectnya keren ya :D
    pengen coba juga jadina hihi

    mampir ke blogku ya. sedang ada giveaway.. ditunggu partisipasinya ^^

    1. Iya..seneng banget liat hasilnya hehehe if you tried it, let me know the result on you :) Will check on your blog.. Thanks for reading

  3. Hi stef,
    Nice to read your blog..
    Kaya na instant effect nya lebih bagus yg ini yh, daripada FTE mask biasa..
    Setuju bgt, pake mask nya SK II, cocok bgt klo kepepet pengen instant brightening..

    1. Hi Ivonne, thank you for reading :)
      Iya, kalau yg FTE biasa, bikin tone kulitnya jadi bagus, tapi ga sampe brightening2 banget. Yg whitening ini lebih kasih efek brightening instan hehehe
